NEW M4 Military/Police Trainer! 
The Latest in the CAR-68 Series of police and military training markers is now available to you! Great price (only $600 complete!) SWEEEET!! The LOAD Paintmine 
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NEW!! RPG's HK-85! Based on the HK MP-5A3! Our Prototype below! NEW!! The HK-85! A brand new RPG Design. The Prototype is now complete! This new gun will be priced at $1100 inclusive of all parts, Magazine, and ATS accessories. She is a beaut! Con't change the magazine style, but other than that she looks near perfect! Even the HK Ghost ring site works! SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICE: $900!! The latest RPG designs and pictures can be found here. RPG News as well as events where we will be set up will also be listed here! Got an idea or design you would like to see, email rusty@rustyspaintballgear.com. Be sure to check out our Research and Development page too for info on how you can be part of the RPG design process!! Credit is given where credit is due! Thanks to all our repeat customers and contributors. We are always looking for new ideas! Remember, there is more to paintball than the 6+1 hiney harness and a Purple Rebel Semi!! |
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PAYPAL Now our preferred method of payment! All paypal orders will be treated as cash orders! This means you pay NO SHIPPING or HANDLING!! NEW!! NOW AVAILABLE! BY POPULAR DEMAND!! PRE-MADE Reusable 52mm ammunition for 52mm RPG Launchers! 1 Kit includes 10 sabots, retainers, bladders, AND paint fills! Instructions included! This is only the "PaintBalloon"/grenade round, though it is simple enough to trun them into buck-n-ball or shotgun rounds yourself! 1 Case of 10 rounds $50 Buy 3 Cases (30 Rounds) $120 Buy 10 Cases (100 Rounds) for just $350!!! RPG Plans and Instructions for 52mm Ammo still come with all our launchers! The M73 CAPL *NEW* 
NEW G3 Design Better than Ever! 
M79 Beast *NEW* 